pp108 : Process Instance

Process Instance

This topic describes the XML structure of a process instance.

A process model, when instantiated, is stored in the CoBOC as XML. The XML structure of a process instance is as follows.

     [Process Model with status of each activity.]
    [All the properties and request &amp; response messages.]
    [Implicit properties of process-instance]
    [Details of Fault-occurred, if any] 
  [Readymade instances of all the schema elements defined in the WSDL for generating messages .]

The following table describes the elements in the XML structure of a process instance.

Table 1. Elements in the XML Structure of a Process Instance




This element stores the executable process model. For each instance, this element contains the process model along with the status of each BPML activity. It is useful to know the status of an activity when resuming a process after it had transitioned to the waiting state. The process model is not the same as defined in BPML but a formatted version that is suitable for proper implementation by the Process Engine.


This element stores instance specific data, request and response messages, and details of faults (if any).


This element contains empty instances of XSD schema elements and complex types defined in WSDL. The empty instances are used to generate messages for action activities. While creating messages, these empty elements are filled by picking values from the properties in the Message Map. The schema map is generated when the process model is read and loaded from the repository.

Related information

Instantiating a Business Process Model